Our Parish

Welcome To St. Rita Catholic Church

We desire St. Rita’s to be a beacon of Christ’s loving-kindness and mercy, welcoming all God’s children and guiding them to the joy of the Gospel.

Connecting People

To The Living God



Mass Schedule

English Mass Schedule:

Monday-Tuesday: Communion Service 8:30 am
Wednesday-Friday: Mass 8:30 am
Saturday Vigil: Mass 4:00 pm
Sunday Mass: 9:00 am
Horario de Misa en Espanol
Miercoles: Misa 6:15 pm

Sábado: Misa 6:00 pm
Domingo: Misa 1:00 pm

Thursday/Jueves 6:00 pm

Unable to attend Mass in person? Watch live-streamed Mass through our Facebook page

Image of Saint Ritas Catholic Church Building | Dade City Florida
14404 14th St. Dade City, FL 33523

News and Announcements

We cordially invite you to come together as a community to Thank and Bid Farewell to Father Pedro for the Time, Service and Affection that he has given our Parish and our Community during his stay here in Saint Rita.

Sunday January 12 after 1:00 p.m. Spanish Mass

*We appreciate bringing something to share*

Sanctifying Thursday

January 16, 2025, 6:00 PM

Confessions | Adoration | Praise & Worship


  • 01/05/2025 – NO SESSION

  • 01/12/2025 – Regular Session & Bible Study for Parents

  • 01/19/2025 – NO SESSION (MLK Weekend)

  • 01/26/2025 – Regular Session & Bible Study for Parents

*Classes for immediate preparation to receive First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation begin in January!

*If your child or teen is receiving sacraments this coming year but you missed the Parent Meeting on December 7th, please contact Ms. Ana ASAP by sending an email to:
[email protected]

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Our Ministries


Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors

Our weekdays and weekend Masses take a lot of people to make them work, from Ushers to Lectors to Eucharistic Ministers. How is Christ calling you to help?


Faith Formation

Our mission is to support all parish families, individuals and young adults to prepare them to receive the Sacraments, and to guide them through prayer and service to live in Catholic community. 


Youth Ministry

We create a safe, fun and spiritual environment where  young people can grow their faith and put it into practice through prayer and service. We invite all middle and high school students and their parents join our youth group.


Migrant / Outreach Ministry

Our mission is to look for needs outside our parish and create small communities, first addressing basic physical needs, then extending to spiritual and sacramental needs.


Music Ministry

Our busy music ministry serve at all St. Ritas masses. Our mission is to support the liturgical rites and encourage the faithful to participate actively in praise and worship. How is Christ calling you to share your musical talents?


Ministerios de Lengua Española

(Spanish Language Ministries)

Nuestros Ministerios Apostólicos Laicos en español creen que Dios ha llamado a una iglesia que lo sigue al volver nuestros corazones y nuestro enfoque. Ven y únete a nosotros…

Saint Vincent De Paul Food Pantry 3

St. Vincent de Paul

Inspired by the Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul,  catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person to person service, to those who are needy and suffering, in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam and patron, St. Vincent de Paul.

Quinceañera Ministry

The purpose of this ministry is to help young women prepare for their Quinceañera and to teach them about the virtues that give dignity and meaning to the role of a woman as a beloved child of God.

Other Ministries

From altar servers, ushers and sacristans to office work, building and grounds maintenance, there are plenty of ways to offer your talents to our parish. Click the button to let us know how you can help!

Our Vision

St. Rita will be a community of comtemplatives in action -- known, esteemed and admired by our local community of Dade City because of our presence, service, example and inspiration. We will be an attractive force with jubilant liturgies, good music and homilies -- inspired and sent Marian Disciples of Christ in mission.

Rev. Carlos J. Rojas

