How do I register with St. Rita Parish?
Registration at St. Rita is as easy as filling out our St Rita’s Registration form here…
There are registration forms available at the Robinson side entrance of the Church that you can fill out and drop off in the collection basket the following week. If you prefer, you can fill a registration card which is available in the parish office. You can also contact the parish office at (352) 567-2894 and ask us to mail you one.
How do I have my baby baptized?
In order to have your baby baptized at St. Rita, you must be a registered parishioner or have a letter of permission from the Church in which you are registered. You will be required to sign up for and attend a Baptismal Preparation class.
What are the requirements for getting married?
In order to be married at St. Rita, you (or your family) should be a registered parishioner. The parish office should be contacted at least six months prior to the date you are requesting for your wedding. At that time, a questionnaire will be completed and then the prenuptial process will begin. A couple is required to meet with a priest, deacon or pastoral associate and attend a Pre-Cana Conference. All requirements will be discussed at the first meeting.
Where do I drop off food and clothing?
Food can be dropped off at the Parish Office during regular office hours (Monday-Friday 7:30am – 3:30 pm).
St. Rita currently only accepts infant baby clothes. If you have 1+ year old and above clothes to donate, we humbly suggest you consider donating it to DAYSTAR HOPE CENTER – 15512 US 301 N. Dade City, FL. 33523. Daystar is associated with the Benedictine Sisters of the Holy Name Monastery.
How do I get into the RCIA program?
Each year on Holy Saturday during the Easter Vigil, thousands are baptized into the Catholic Church in the United States. Parishes welcome these new Catholics through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Prior to beginning the RCIA process, an individual comes to some knowledge of Jesus Christ, considers his or her relationship with Jesus Christ and is usually attracted in some way to the Catholic Church.
If you would like to begin your RCIA journey or for more information, please contact our Director of Faith Formation, 352-567-2894 Ext 226, Email [email protected].
How do I go about having a priest come and visit my sick family member?
In order to have a priest come to your home or the hospital, contact the parish office at (352) 567-2894. St. Rita Ministers of the Eucharist are also happy to bring Communion to any sick or housebound family members on a regular basis.(